Scientology Holiday Bazaar to Benefit Fish Emergency Service
Released on = November 29, 2005, 1:06 pm
Press Release Author = Gwen Barnard/Church of Scientology
Industry = Non Profit
Press Release Summary = Church Bazaar Celebrates 15 Years Helping the Needy
Press Release Body = Portland, OR: The Church of Scientology of Portland is holding its 15th annual Holiday Bazaar on December 3 with all proceeds to benefit Fish Emergency Service.
Crafts, handmade gifts, a tremendous amount of baked goods and many other unusual items will be on sale at the Bazaar.
"Fish Emergency Service is an incredibly worthwhile organization. They've had to dip into their reserves this year as cash donations are down so we truly want to make this our best Bazaar ever, " said Rev. Gwen Barnard, Community Affairs Director for the Church of Scientology of Portland.
Fish Emergency Service has provided food boxes, clothing, personal care products and referrals to families and individuals experiencing temporary crisis situations for over 38 years. As a testament to its efficiency, 95 percent of all contributions go directly to help people in need.
Gloria Colvin, executive director for Fish Emergency Service, said, "Chances are in recent months you joined other Oregonians in making a generous donation to the victims of Hurricane Katrina and Rita. Given what those poor people endured, who among us could turn away? However, in our own backyards, there are storms of need that don't get a lot of television coverage.
"In the Portland metropolitan area, Fish extends a helping hand to folks who have nowhere else to turn. Their lives are devastated or they simply can't find the means to feed their kids or make a rent payment. We really appreciate the Church of Scientology holding such a special event solely for the benefit of Fish and we thank them for their support," said Ms. Colvin.
The Church of Scientology's 15th annual Holiday Bazaar will be held on Saturday, December 3, 2005 at 709 SW Salmon in downtown Portland from 10 AM until 5 PM.
For more information regarding Fish Emergency Service, go to or call 503-233-5533.
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Contact Details = Gwen Barnard 503-228-0116
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